Line '.__LINE__.' Query non eseguita: '.mssql_get_last_message());
if($record = mssql_fetch_array($res,1)){
$_prezzi =cartLib_getPrezziHtmlItem($record);
$metaTagsInfo = htmlHeadTagsInfo($record,@$_prezzi['prezzoFinaleFloat']);
$allstoresList = getStoreList(['all'=>1]);
$stockInfo = getGiacenza(['codice'=>$codice,'storesInfo'=>1,'storesList'=>$allstoresList]);
$res = mssql_query("SELECT top 1 nomefile FROM ecom_fotoprodotti where articolo='".str_replace("'","''",$record['BARCODE'])."' order by nomefile",$Conn) or die('
Line '.__LINE__.' Query non eseguita: '.mssql_get_last_message());
$foto = "";
if($record = mssql_fetch_array($res,1)){
$foto = "/foto/foto_ftp/NOR/".$record['nomefile'];
Ottieni la spedizione gratuita per tutti i prodotti STAR utilizzando il coupon
"; print_r($filter_list); echo ""; */ $min_value = (@$_GET['min_price'])? clear_input(@$_GET['min_price'],'int'):$filter_list['price_list']['MINPRICE']; $max_value = (@$_GET['max_price'])? clear_input(@$_GET['max_price'],'int'):$filter_list['price_list']['MAXPRICE']; // ASIF WD-2128 // NOTE _n added in variable to prevent mixing of variable $total_count = $count; $page = (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) ? (int) $_REQUEST['page'] : 1; $limit_n = clear_input(@$_REQUEST['recordsPerPage'],'int'); if($limit_n==0) $limit_n = $recsInPageDefault; $start_n = ($page == 1) ? 0 : (($page-1) * $limit_n); $end_n = $start_n + $limit_n; $next_page_n = $page + 1; $curPageProdCnt = 0; $url2Sito = isset($url2Sito) ? $url2Sito : ""; //for displaying product if($total_count > $end_n){ $firsT = $start_n + 1; $lasT = $end_n; }else{ if($total_count > 0){ $firsT = $start_n + 1; $lasT = $total_count; }else{ $firsT = 0; $lasT = $total_count; } } ?>